Pork Butt!
On 10/2/2012 11:41 PM, Leonard Blaisdell wrote:
> In article >,
> Sky > wrote:
>> I intend to braise the pork butt in the oven low-n-slow for quite some
>> hours, although I'm not sure about the spices and such just yet. So,
>> how do fellow RFC folks like to cook their butts ???? VBG!!!!
> I simmer mine on the top of the stove in a salt and brown sugar brine.
> In the end, I'm not sure if that makes a difference. All I know is that
> I prefer pork butt eaten right after it comes off the heat, shredded
> with salt and pepper. IMO, all pork is best eaten immediately after the
> *first* cooking.
> There's lots of stuff you can do with reheated pork, but it will never
> taste as good as fresh and hot from whatever original method.
So true!
Sky, who has the butt in the oven at this moment !
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