Afraid to eat peanut butter!
On Oct 2, 1:08*am, "Julie Bove" > wrote:
> projectile vomit chick wrote:
> > On Oct 1, 11:34 am, Chemo > wrote:
> >> On Oct 1, 7:57 am, "Julie Bove" > wrote:
> >>> I had to buy a new jar of peanut butter because mine was expiring.
> >>> But now every day there are at least two new recalls for peanut
> >>> butter or a peanut containing product. I am afraid to eat what I
> >>> have!
> >> Don't go outside...the sky is falling. And...there are NOT at least
> >> two recalls for PB everyday!
> > Heh, for real. *I have no ****ing idea what she's on about (as usual,
> > she never makes any sense).
> I guess you don't watch the news?
Guess what dumb****, I do watch the news. And I watch out in my every
day life for ****ing weirdos like you. Now go obsess about something
else, I'm sure you have an allergy to it.