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MaryL[_2_] MaryL[_2_] is offline
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Default Using up what you have.

"Julie Bove" wrote in message ...

MaryL wrote:
> "Julie Bove" wrote in message ...
> I am making a big effort to do this at the moment and thanks to
> attempting but rather failing trying to be an Extreme couponer, I do
> have quite a bit in my larder. But some of it needs to be used up
> right away.
> I do have some frozen French fries and Tater Tots. Aside from a
> Tater Tot type of casserole, I don't know what use those will have. Except
> to eat them as is. I may end up tossing some of those because
> I am the only one who currently eats them.
> I do have a large bag of hash browns to use up. And in case any of
> you are wondering why I would get such things and not make them from
> scratch, well... I don't mind using them for one thing and I got
> them for free or very cheap using coupons. I intend to use those to
> make something similar to O'Brien potatoes except that they won't be
> cubes. I have plenty of bacon and onions and I do have some red and
> green peppers. So I will mix those things up and they will be dinner.
> I am hoping that Winco will still have a good price on bell peppers
> so I will be getting some more of those and some ground beef and make
> some unstuffed peppers. I have never tried this before. Basically
> make like you would stuffed peppers but you cut the peppers in bite
> sized pieces and mix with your meat, tomato sauce, rice (if you are
> using it) and seasonings. I figure I will have a better shot at
> getting daughter to eat the peppers if I do it this way. Normally
> both she and my husband scoop all of their stuffing out and put their
> peppers on my plate because they don't like to eat them like that. I
> do have plenty of rice in the cupboard.
> Looks like the beans are going to have to wait another week unless I
> just cook up a small amount of plain ones.
> Do you have anything like that you are going to use up this week? Maybe
> because you have a lot of it? Or because it's getting rather
> old?
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> You did not ask for this type of advice, but I would like to make a
> suggestion. The type of prepared food you mentioned here are among
> the *worst* items for a diabetic. I do realize that you are very
> limited in what you can eat, but I would suggest that you should not
> even consider getting these items for yourself--even if they are free
> or very cheap. Yes, it is wasteful to throw out good food, but it is
> even worse to eat food like that when you are facing the problems of
> a diabetic. When I was first diagnosed T2, I completely emptied my
> pantry of everything I should not eat and gave everything to a food
> pantry. I have not replaced them. Of course, you can't do that with
> frozen food. You will need to keep certain foods for Angela and your
> husband even if you can't eat them, but it is difficult to stick to a
> healthy diet if your pantry and fridge are loaded with food that you
> should not eat.

But that is exactly what I *have* to eat. I also have gastroparesis. A low
carb diet does not work for me. It pushes my blood sugar up to over 300 and
it stays there. Aside from my almost 500 number a couple of weeks ago due
to the stress (I think) of my screwed up insulin prescription, the saga of
which still continues... Most of my numbers have been in the normal range.
I am getting one hypo about every other day. It is extremely difficult to
control blood sugar when you have gastroparesis because you do not digest
your food the way that you should.

Mostly I have to eat easy to digest foods. And potatoes are in there. I do
not watch the fat content of my food because what I naturally prefer is low
to no fat. Because of this the dieticians I have seen have urged me to add
fat to my diet. So eating hash browns or French fries once in a while is
not a problem.

Okay, thanks. I have knowledge about T2 diabetes but must admit that I
don't know much about gastroparesis. What little I do know about that has
come from some of your messages.
