Pork Butt!
On Oct 5, 8:48*am, Bryan > wrote:
> Dude, you're just jealous that the woman next door doesn't reward *you* with a piece of butt for pruning *her* hedges.
Never any jealousy out of me, not at this stage. Of course I was
trying to be funny. But the truth is, that was the way her post read
to me, the way she segued quickly from food to the lawn chores. I
thought it was funny and I know I'm not alone. I might run an errand
of some sort for food - do somebody a favor of some kind - but if the
chore involves hard work or doing something I'm not good at there will
be no deal. Pruning hedges seems like hard work to a guy like me, a
guy for whom just getting out of bed is exercise.