Using up what you have.
"Malcom "Mal" Reynolds" wrote in message
In article >, "Julie Bove"
> "Pico Rico" > wrote in message
> ...
> >
> > "Malcom "Mal" Reynolds" > wrote in message
> > ...
> >> In article >, "Julie Bove"
> >> >
> >> wrote:
> >>
> >>> I don't have any kids. Just a teen who can only eat sweet potatoes
> >>> and
> >>> not
> >>> the regular kind. And I can't eat cheese.
> >>
> >> strange that her teenager isn't her kid
> >
> >
> > goats will eat anything. Her teen definitely won't.
> *sigh* She is on the South Beach diet and I don't know anyone with goats.
yeh, like there are no ethnic restaurants or groceries in her area
She sure did let that goat/kid reference fly right over her head. LOL
You say that like *every* town in the US has an ethnic grocery store. Got
news for you, that's not necessarily the case. (Same goes for farmer's
There is a Mexican market about 6 miles from me. No one speaks English and
I don't speak Spanish so I only buy things there on rare occasions. (Money
translates, regardless.) There are no Chinese or otherwise Asian markets
nearby. Restaurants? There are plenty of Thai restaurants around, although
I couldn't tell you why.
The "farmers market" here is a roaming market. It's only open one day a
week for a couple of hours before they tear down and set up in the next
town. If you blink (or sleep late) you'll miss it. There are a couple of
farm stands in the area but they only sell on Friday and Saturday. When I
drove past the vegetable market which used to be open 7 days a week, then
five, then sporadically... the parking lot was cordoned off. Uh oh. Looks
like they're going out of business after 40 years. Point being, not
everyone has the same thing available everywhere.