Using up what you have.
Julie Bove > wrote:
>I don't know how much food Americans throw away. I do know a very common
>scenario in our house and my friend's house. Someone will decide that they
>really, really like something. Say... Yogurt. So they are eating it every
>day and you wind up stocking up on it when it goes on sale. Then all of a
>sudden they are sick of it and never want to eat it again. And nobody else
>in the house likes it. So out it goes. If this happens here with a
>non-perishable, I will just give it to the food bank. But if it is
>something like yogurt, they won't take it and I don't know anyone else who
Was at the park yesterday and the Park Police were hassling a guy
for selling samosas. An unlicensed vendor type. So, he walked
around giving away the rest of his tray of samosas.
That is probably also illegal, but they let him do it.