Using up what you have.
Julie Bove > wrote:
>But that is exactly what I *have* to eat. I also have gastroparesis. A low
>carb diet does not work for me. It pushes my blood sugar up to over 300 and
>it stays there. Aside from my almost 500 number a couple of weeks ago due
>to the stress (I think) of my screwed up insulin prescription, the saga of
>which still continues... Most of my numbers have been in the normal range.
>I am getting one hypo about every other day. It is extremely difficult to
>control blood sugar when you have gastroparesis because you do not digest
>your food the way that you should.
>Mostly I have to eat easy to digest foods. And potatoes are in there. I do
>not watch the fat content of my food because what I naturally prefer is low
>to no fat. Because of this the dieticians I have seen have urged me to add
>fat to my diet. So eating hash browns or French fries once in a while is
>not a problem.
So basically the gastroparesis protects you against high GI foods
and blood sugar spikes/crashes?
I have enough gastroparesis (evidenced by other symptoms) that I cannot
readily make my blood sugar spike even if I wanted to.