Using up what you have.
In article >,
"jmcquown" > wrote:
> > >>> I don't have any kids. Just a teen who can only eat sweet potatoes
> > >>> and
> > >>> not
> > >>> the regular kind. And I can't eat cheese.
> > >>
> > >> strange that her teenager isn't her kid
> > >
> > >
> > > goats will eat anything. Her teen definitely won't.
> >
> > *sigh* She is on the South Beach diet and I don't know anyone with goats.
> yeh, like there are no ethnic restaurants or groceries in her area
> *****************
> She sure did let that goat/kid reference fly right over her head. LOL
> You say that like *every* town in the US has an ethnic grocery store. Got
> news for you, that's not necessarily the case. (Same goes for farmer's
> markets.)
I didn't say "every" town, I said her area and since she lives in an area with
enough population to support a Costco a Winco a TJs and she is near a large
military base, I doubt that there isn't some ethnic grocery store or restaurant
available to her. In fact if she wanted it, she could probably ask the vet at
the commissary to order some and they would probably comply