"David Harmon" > wrote in message

> On Fri, 05 Oct 2012 10:35:11 -0400 in rec.food.cooking, The Cook
> > wrote,
>>Extreme couponing is for the birds.
> And, at least as shown in the various reports I have seen, relies on
> a lot of cheating and fraud.
Yes, it does. Sad that they aired that on TV. I have been able to get some
free or very cheap stuff. But very little. And it's not always something I
want or need. I was told by someone to get hundreds of boxes of Tic Tacs at
the military commissary when they were cheap there and there were coupons.
Using what she said, if I pre-ordered enough mints and had enough coupons,
they would give me about $50 back which I could then use for meat or veg or
whatever. And I was like... And then what will I do with all the Tic Tacs?
The rules of the military commissary is that you buy only for your family
and you can not sell the stuff. I'm sure they realize that you might be
buying gifts and things. But they don't want you buying for all of your
neighbors and extended family which of course does happen from time to time.
She never gave me a response. Someone else told me to donate them to the
food bank. But at the time our food bank was requesting only wholesome
foods like brown rice and whole grains and no sugar. They no longer are
making that claim but another one in the area is. At any rate, I wasn't
about to do that. Seems perfectly silly to me to have to jump through all
those hoops and make them order crap you aren't going to use just so you can
make some money off of them.