"Jean B." > wrote in message
> Steve Freides wrote:
>> Gary wrote:
>>> Steve Freides wrote:
>>>> Julie Bove wrote:
>>>>> I had to buy a new jar of peanut butter because mine was expiring.
>>>>> But now every day there are at least two new recalls for peanut
>>>>> butter or a peanut containing product. I am afraid to eat what I
>>>>> have!
>>>> It's not hard to make your own nut butters - we haven't bought any in
>>>> years here. I haven't heard any recalls for raw or dry-roasted
>>>> nuts. I use all dry-roasted, unsalted from TJ's.
>>>> As mentioned many times here by me, I like a mixture of mostly
>>>> almonds with a bit of peanuts and a bit of cashews thrown in,
>>>> roughly 3/4 almonds, 1/8 each of peanuts and cashews. As a matter
>>>> of fact, time for me to go eat some right now - it's delicious and
>>>> nutritious.
>>>> -S-
>>> I've just gotta say here, many of you people really make a simple
>>> peanut butter sandwich way more difficult than necessary. For God's
>>> sake. Buy Jif and enjoy once in awhile. Notice how all the
>>> "healthy" things are being recalled.
>> But I _like_ my homemade nut butter - I eat it almost every day and
>> probably go through a jar a week by myself.
>>> I bought "organic PB" once. What a joke. You had to stir in the oil
>>> each time and also store it in the fridge. Have any of you ever
>>> really tried to stir cold and hard peanut butter to mix in the oil?
>>> One time was enough of that nonsense for me.
>> Settling is an interesting thing - my homemade stuff never settles enough
>> for me to notice except if I take it with me somewhere, e.g., on a car
>> ride that's a few hours long. By the time I get there, I can see that
>> the jostling has started to separate the oil and the solids.
>> I've never refrigerated my stuff - can't see why I would as it keeps just
>> fine on the counter for as long as it takes us to eat it here.
>>> In my teasing mode, maybe this ng should be renamed to
>>> rec.food.anal.cooking lol!
>> I'm convinced that almonds are great for you and I'm not convinced that
>> peanuts, which aren't even nuts, are all that great in terms of health.
>> That's why I made mine mostly almonds then played around until I had a
>> combination that I liked the taste of.
>> I think there's a whole interesting, and probably flamed-filled,
>> discussion to be had on why we eat what we eat. Some folks will say, no
>> doubt, that all they care about is that their food tastes good and who
>> cares if it's good for you or not. I am definitely not in that camp.
>> It's nutrition, it's sustenance, and knowing how good for me or not
>> someithing is really matters to my enjoyment of eating it, probably
>> because I've found that eating better makes me feel better and feeling
>> good long-term always trumps the transient pleasure of how something
>> tastes.
>> All of which is my way of saying that store-bought peanut butter may
>> taste better than my homemade mostly-almond butter, but not by enough
>> that I'm going to eat it.
>> Just my opinion, your mileage may vary and all that.
> Coincidentally, in the interim, I thought I'd try almond butter mixed with
> flax and pumpkin seeds. I dunno how it will compare tastewise, but it
> will probably be more healthful, without the possible aflatoxins. Oh
> great, Dr, Weil says that aflatoxins have also been found in pecans,
> pistachios and walnuts... and other things.
Really? Lovely. My favorite nut of late has been the hazelnut. Kind of
hard to find them though. Most places don't seem to sell them. I did get
them in bulk at Winco today. They are fine but I really hate buying bulk
nuts because you just never know how old they are or if they cleaned the bin
out well before filling it.