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Gary Gary is offline
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Default uncle ben's tortillas

Sqwertz wrote:
> I'm going to buy some Default Uncle Ben's tomorrow just for kicks.
> Come to think of it, Gary's going to the grocery store in a few hours
> so pick me up some! :-)
> -sw

Oh all right, Steve.
LOL! You remembered, eh? :-D

Note: this is why one should never tell lies on a Usenet group. You tend to
forget what you lied about eventually and someone will call you on it later.
If you stick to the truth, you won't forget because you really did do that.

I laughed a short while back when Barbara said something like she would
never dream of grocery shopping at 6am. For you Barbara - if you ever wake
up at 3:15am some Saturday morning, think of me....I'll be at the grocery
store doing my weekly shopping (on the East Coast). heheh It's the
"traditional" grocery shopping time for me. And btw, if you ever need boxes
for moving or whatever, that time is good. Often the stockers are still
working and many empty boxes in the isles, free for the asking/taking.

Finally, to repond to another thread about going to many stores for
sales.... I rarely do that but I did do it yesterday. One nearby store was
selling Angel Soft tp for only $4.99 for 24-rolls (or 12 double rolls).
Normally, I check my regular store (Farm Fresh) and they have the same or
similar sales. If I'm only saving pennies, I'll pay extra to get all from
the one store. This time my store was selling them for $8.99.

So I got home from regular shopping, then went out to buy gas for my van and
nearby was the other store where I saved $4.00 on the large package of tp.
Both the gas station and the Food Lion open at 7am.


PS - one nice thing about living in a populated area. Within a mile radius
of my house, I have 3 normal grocery stores and one health food store (where
I buy fresh dried spices and bulk grains). Expand that radius to 2.5 miles
from my house and I have 7 normal grocery stores, 4 specialty grocery stores
(health food store, Fresh Market, TJ's, Whole Foods), and still a few more
very small specialty stores. One for olive oil only and one that specializes
in cheese and wine. Also 2 nice pet stores in that radius for pet food.