a Canadian term
On 07/10/2012 5:51 PM, Michel Boucher wrote:
> Sqwertz > wrote in
> :
>>>>> If fat is part of the tradition, in what way does it
>>>>> tarnish said tradition? And it's not "Canadians", it's
>>>>> members of the Montreal Jewish community who own and
>>>>> operate these establshments (although most of the employees
>>>>> now working at Schwartz's are Portuguese).
>>>> You were responding to someone who is full of crap.
>>> I hope you're not suggesting that I should let him get away
>>> with being a fathead. There are things that are worth
>>> addressing, like blatant stereotypes.
>> He says as he just disenfranchised the whole Montreal-Jewish
>> community as "not Canadians".
> Reading not your forte? I didn't say anywhere that they weren't
> Canadian (or that they were for that matter) but I was making a
> proper attribution, unlike your uninformative stereotype.
>> You're not exactly a role model for Canadians, Michel. Either
>> is Dave. You both have a lot in common - you never post about
>> cooking, just hover around and pounce on those non-food topics
>> and arguments (which is why this was so easy).
> Totally untrue and I think Dave will back me up when I say "****
> you, you weasely little ponce".
Mais oui. But why do you even give him the time of day? He ain't worth
it. Interesting that we are accused of hovering around and pouncing on
non food topics in a thread where my comments were about "Canadian
Smoked Meat" and clarifying that it is probably due to the well known
(in Canada) Montreal smoked meat.
That stuff is, the the best of my knowledge, primarily from two
particular Montreal delis, both Jewish, and proudly Jewish. The twit
might have been labouring under the impression that we think that being
Jewish is a bad thing. I will give the Montreal Jewish the credit for
also creating incredible bagels. There seems to be regional differences
in bagels. Bagels in this corner of the world suck the big one.
Montreal bagels OTOH, are incredible, and they are produced by a number
of Jewish run bagel shops.
FWIW when my son was managing a restaurant for a franchise whose
Canadian operation was based in Montreal, one of their menu items was
smoked salmon on a Montreal bagel. I don't think there is any slur
attached to attributing the concept of smoked salmon on a bagel with
cream cheese to Jews. He was very happy to find a restaurant in his
neighbourhood that made incredible Montreal Jewish style bagels, but
the bakery was run by a Lebanese couple.