On 10/7/2012 9:22 PM, pltrgyst wrote:
> DC's beltway is not bad at all -- I've been driving cars and motorcycles
> here for 30 years, no problem. It's nothing compared to Italy, or --
> much, much worse -- Tokyo. And most third-world countries in Africa and
> Asia, forget it.
Eh?? I drive the DC beltway daily, well not lately due to surgery, and
have done it for 16 years and it's treacherous! Then again, I've never
driven in Italy or Tokyo.
I drive from PG county near rt 50 around to 270, then it gets tame on
270 the rest of the way to work. I have to admit it seems a little
better since the ICC opened even though it's expensive to drive it. I
don't use it but count on others to.