uncle ben's tortillas
sf wrote:
> I probably should have emphasized that if you ever catch me shopping
> at 3 or 4 in the morning, it will be because I haven't gone to bed yet
> - not because I got up early. From that, you can extrapolate that I'm
> not much of a fisherman either. If fish aren't biting at the crack of
> noon, they're safe from me.
"the crack of noon?" LOL! I love that one. :-D
Again, I don't go shopping at 3-4 in the morning but I always get up no
later than 4:30am. That's every single day, working or not. I would have
made a great Amish farmer...get up before dawn and do farm chores until
breakfast later. heheh
My weekly grocery shopping is between 6:00 and 6:30 every Saturday or Sunday
morning...sometimes both days if I forget some things on Saturday.
I love Walmart for some things but have never grocery shopped there. It's
for other things in their store. As it's 9 miles from my house, that's long
distance for me. As much as I like the store, I've only been there 3 times
in the last 4 1/2 years. I love that they are open 24 hours though. I'll go
there at 5am, do my shopping, then get back to my regular grocery store by
6:30 or so.