it got cold here all of a sudden
"Brooklyn1" <Gravesend1> wrote in message
> Just wait until you're hauled off to the ER and have doctor bills in
> the THOUSANDS... cheapos like you deserve to freeze to death.
I do have a couple of those oil-filled radiator heaters. Aren't they
somewhat efficient?... Doesn't put off enough in the living room though.
But in the bedroom, puts out more heat than the ex's ass used to... but I
need heat in the living room... Had one in the TV room and almost set the
house on fire. (I think it was the plug/extension cord got stuck in the
At least I will be warm tonight, in bed (set up the oil radiator and
electric blanket).. Ex says to stop talking about her ass (and boobs). She
feels it's "inappropriate" But, that's why I married her (Even at 49,
they still hang well on her. She sports them well. No wonder the tow truck
driver hit on her).
Can I not post-marriage lust once in a while? Is not post-divorce sex okay
(once in a while)? (We did it before marriage, why not after?)