On Oct 9, 7:36*am, Brooklyn1 <Gravesend1> wrote:
> On Tue, 09 Oct 2012 18:05:03 +1100, John John >
> It all comes from the same slaughter houses... where you live the
> markets sell the lesser grades is all... and if I want to pay 2 1/2
> times more I can buy from the local cattle ranches but it's not worth
> the price, in fact store bought is better... folks who boast about
> eating local organic beef are the same types who believe that the
> emperor is wearing new clothes. *I buy most meat from the small market
> in town, they sell very good quality, the butchers will custom cut,
> and prices are lower than elsewhere. *The market in town sells the
> best pork around. *There are a few stand alone meat markets nearby but
> I think they are just rip off artists. *The cattle farmer who hays my
> land over in the next county sells beef, I've sampled some for free
> but it's not all that. *He's tried to pay my rent in beef but I tell
> him the tax assessor only takes cash. *Most folks shop for meat by
> emotion and presentation... they believe it's better from a meat
> market and it looks more attractive in the meat case without the
> wrapping, and under the special lighting that makes it look the
> brighter red that they imagine how beef should look.
Like all businesses their are good and bad butchers. The one I use is
amazing. His meat is outstanding and his prices are about the same as
the local supermarket, especially as his meat is trimmed with the
correct (but not to much) fat left on. I can also order almost
anything I need. (Try that at whole foods!) (By the way, much of his
meat comes from local farms and all, except the veal, is free range.
He tried free range veal once but it doesn't taste as good.)
I know I'm lucky to have access to such a good butcher, but in many
areas they can be found.