Posted to alt.creative+cooking,alt.animals.ethics.vegetarian,,
Vegetarian Breakfast Sausage (meatless sausage)
On 10/10/2012 7:31 AM, Rupert wrote:
> On Oct 10, 4:27 pm, George Plimpton > wrote:
>> On 10/10/2012 7:22 AM, Rupert wrote:
>>> On Oct 10, 4:21 pm, George Plimpton > wrote:
>>>> On 10/10/2012 1:24 AM, Rupert wrote:
>>>>> On Oct 9, 5:43 pm, George Plimpton > wrote:
>>>>>> On 10/9/2012 8:12 AM, Rupert wrote:
>>>>>>> On Oct 9, 5:03 pm, George Plimpton > wrote:
>>>>>>>> On 10/9/2012 3:34 AM, Rupert wrote:
>>>>>>>>> On Oct 8, 7:07 pm, George Plimpton > wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> On 10/8/2012 9:37 AM, spamtrap1888 wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> On Oct 8, 9:01 am, Rupert > wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Oct 8, 5:45 pm, spamtrap1888 > wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Oct 8, 4:50 am, Rupert > wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sep 21, 8:00 am, George Plimpton > wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 9/20/2012 3:04 PM, Just.Some.guy wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Check this out Its great
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It's shit. It's unpalatable shit.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> How would you be in a position to know?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Why are "vegans" continually trying to make stuff look like and taste
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> like meat? *Extremely* suspicious.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Why?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Why do you think they call vegan meat Satan?
>>>>>>>>>>>> I didn't realize they did call it that.
>>>>>>>>>>> They changed the spelling to throw people off the track.:
>>>>>>>>>> Ha ha ha ha ha - good one!
>>>>>>>>> You thought it was a good joke?
>>>>>>>> It was a great joke, especially because you fell for it.
>>>>>>> I don't really understand why you think I fell for it.
>>>>>> Because I saw you fall for it. You fell right over.
>>>>> I don't understand what you mean. What happened was that I said I
>>>>> didn't realize that they called vegan meat Satan, which is of course
>>>>> true. At that stage I didn't realize that he wanted to make a pun on
>>>>> the names of one of the mock meats, but then he explained himself.
>>>> <chortle>
>>> You don't seem to be willing to explain yourself.
>> What's to explain? You're a dope, that's all.
> So you obviously believe, but I fail to understand what reasons you
> think you have in favour of this view.
Ha ha ha! You just gave yet another reason!