On Tue, 09 Oct 2012 12:47:12 -0700, Dutch > wrote:
>On Tue, 09 Oct 2012 13:58:11 -0400, dh@. wrote:
>>On Mon, 8 Oct 2012 04:49:59 -0700 (PDT), Rupert >
>>>On Sep 21, 8:00*am, Goo wrote:
>>>> On 9/20/2012 3:04 PM, Just.Some.guy wrote:
>>>> > Check this out Its great
>>>> >http://youtu.be/1LIyVBWaE_A
>>>> It's shit. *It's unpalatable shit.
>>>How would you be in a position to know?
>>>> Why are "vegans" continually trying to make stuff look like and taste
>>>> like meat? **Extremely* suspicious.
>>>> No one likes "vegan" food - no one.
>>>That's obvious rubbish.
>> Most of you people who are supposedly ethical veg*ns probably always hated
>>the taste and idea of eating the flesh of animals for whatever personal reasons.
>>That's something you would have to learn to get over in order to advance to a
>>higher position in which you could actually contribute to decent lives for
>>livestock animals with your lifestyle, instead of only to the deaths of wildlife
>>as you are restricted to by that lifestyle. That fact plus the fact that no meat
>>consumer has reason to oppose considering livestock animals' lives
>Considering them what?
As much as or more than their deaths of course. Duh.
>>plus the fact
>>that it's highly unlikely that a person would completely change their pov
>>entirely all of a sudden for no reason they can explain, are all very strong
>>reasons to feel the "Dutch" character is lying when he claims that he did
>>completely change his pov entirely all of a sudden for no reason he can explain
>>and also began eating meat. He's lying because he admires and wants to be like