> > Did this green vegetable had rubber-like texture? And sweet-tasting and
> > crunchy when being chewed?
> >
> > If it is, then it's one of korean side dish, made with seeweed stems.
> >
> Yes! It was quite chewy, tough and crunchy at the same time. I liked it so
> much for the texture. Seaweed stems. Now that you mention it, it is not
> unlike a more delicate seaweed appetizer I once had at a Japanese style
> restaurant I believe is managed by Korean owners (Yobo's in Newburgh, NY).
> Now where to find seaweed stems...and the name of this Korean dish.
Did it look like this:
I can't seem to find the recipe in english. You should be able to buy these
stuff from most korean grocers.(mi-yok-jool-ghi)