Ok, I'll bite....
On Tuesday, 3 July 2012 13:44:15 UTC+10, sf wrote:
> Stevie Poo-p saying Peter rarely posts about food is pure bullshit
It's motto is "Bullshit baffles brains"
Unfortunately for poor little spurtz, even a blind man can see through it's 'ploy'.
> too. Lately, Peter has been lambasted every time he posts about the
> food he made because he also posted > > > wait for it --- *links* with
> PICTURES about what he made. OMG (oh-em-gee) - why was he soooo off
> topic?
Yep.... it seems that unless you kiss ass with the buckets of slime, you are called everything they can think of. They live by the motto.... "If you sling enough shit, some of it will stick".
I just regard them as what they really are....... pathetic excuses for humans.
> Of course, we know what a slimeball chameleon sw is,
Enough so, that every time I used to converse with it, I had to go and have shower afterward to wash off the yuccky feeling.
> so all of
> Peter's detractors could be him.
Of which they will protest their innocence!!!
It's been proven that 'heyzues', spurts, and faggy Bobby have all pretended to be me at some time.
Poor babies.... must be hard to go through life feeling sooooo inadequate LMFAO!!!
> Watch him morph/nym shift and
> pretend to be both innocent and offended. <snork> Poor baby.
> Lest you think I'm totally in Peter's camp, I will also say that he
> was extremely misogynistic before his current health problems occurred
> and was in my kill file more than not - but he's a different person
> now.
*Excuuuuuuuse me* madam....... I'm the same frikken person I have always been, and I have *never* been a misogynist. My view is thus......
It doesn't matter who you are, what sex you are, what colour your skin, or what race you are.... if you **** me off, I don't like you, and I will show you.
You can be rather obnoxious at times, which is why you spent so long in my killfile as well.
As for my "current health problems"...... I'm still here, still trying to maintain my weight and not keep losing it, still 'clean' (as of 3 months ago??), but have some associated problems because of the radical surgery.
My oncologist and me have a 'special' relationship..... we both 'hate' each other and have truly wonderful conversations :-)
One we had...... (Me)"You ****ed my life you c***, I can't stand the smell of red wine now let alone try to drink it, I can't have pepper or even think about having curry or anything spicy because it ****s me right up, and I can't eat anything I used to love."
His reply........ "I saved your life, you f***en arsehole."
Me.... after thinking about it for a couple of seconds... "Yeah, you did. I still ****ing hate you though."
Him..."Get used to it, you'll be seeing a lot of me."
Me...."I talk to you more often than I talk to my friends, and I don't even like you!!"
Him..."Get f***ed and go get your scans, and on your way back get me a coffee and a vanilla slice from the coffee shop."
Me... "F***ing arsehole."
Him...."White with two sugars and get some serviettes as well. And get yourself a coffee. No food though."
As far as being a different person......... yes, I am. I am now the 'boss' of a rather large team of highly trained individuals, who all have their own 'individualities'. I've learnt to look at things more objectively :-)
So anyway Babs, whatcha been up to?
(BTW, I'm using this account because I *am* away from home, but have Xnews set up on my (brand new) laptop, and need to post here to get it to show there, so that I can follow the thread....... if you get what I mean.)