Long time stalker > wrote in
> On Oct 13, 11:16*pm, PL away from home > wrote:
>> So anyway Babs, whatcha been up to?
>> (BTW, I'm using this account because I *am* away from home, but have
>> Xnew
> s set up on my (brand new) laptop, and need to post here to get it to
> show there, so that I can follow the thread....... if you get what I
> mean.)
>> Peter
>> Tasmania
>> Australia
> PLEASE ! Spare us the pain
Oh look, 'putz' the psychologically obsessed stalker is still alive.
One would have thought that it would have either drank itself to death
on cheap goonie, or someone would have got ****ed off with its sponging
ways and killed it.
Ob food: Scallops are as cheap as chips down here in Tassie at the
Just picked up 1kg of Tassies finest for $20.
Will be heading into the Farm Gate Market next Sunday to grab some
*really* good stuff!!
As much as I want to go to Salamanca on Sat to get my bread, I think
I'll just leave it and see what's to offer at Farm Gate.