WallyWorld's 2% charge
In article >, "Julie Bove" >
> "Brooklyn1" <Gravesend1> wrote in message
> ...
> > Steve Clingerman wrote:
> >>
> >>I use a debit card. So one day, I took a look at the receipt. There ws a
> >>line
> >>item "Tax2", which was a 2% charge.
> >
> > That's a very small penalty for being too ignorant to count cash...
> > consider that 2% fee a gift... for being too dumb to count cash you
> > really deserve a 6% penalty. Didn't yoose debiters ever think that
> > you're the selfish *******s who raise the price of consumer goods for
> > us who pay cash... I'm getting damn tired of having to carry yoose
> > ignoranus *******s, sheesh.
> I think most people in this area don't carry cash. At least that is what a
> ton of people have told me. I saw a young lady check in at the Drs. office
> the other day. She had no purse. Just her cell phone and a little sort of
> container full of all sorts of cards. She had an insurance card and then
> she paid her co-pay with another card. I almost always pay cash. I can't
> tell you how many times recently that the cashiers have acted astounded and
> said something like, "Oh! Cash! I don't see that often!"
Heck, I can't remember the last time I saw a woman NOT carrying a purse. Where
do you think she carried her emergency tampons?
> For me, cash is just easier for so many reasons. I figure out how much I
> need for the week, take it out and that is that. Very easy for me to see
> how much I have left and if I can really afford some item that I might not
> necessarily need. When you start using a debit or credit card for
> everything it is far too easy to loose track of things. I do use cards to
> buy stuff online.