On Tue, 16 Oct 2012 15:34:58 -0400, Tracy > wrote:
>I just got the latest catalog and it advertises free shipping on all
>orders over $30.
>I typically place a $30ish order two or three times a year and I
>hate the shipping charges.
>Orders up to $30 are 7.95 flat for ground shipping.
>Even though there is a Penzey's sorta near me (20 minutes away) - I
>almost never go since it is in a neighborhood I rarely (never) visit.
Plus of late gas is expensive. There's a Penseys store about an hour
from me but I would never drive that distance for spices especially
since it's out of the way from anywhere I'd normally drive. It's
about time Penseys gives a good cutomer a break. My typical order can
be over a hundred dollars, but the past few years I order less and
order less often as I found their shipping charges amounted to
thievery, because unlike other businesses the more you spend the more
Penzeys charged for shipping... exactly opposite of how honest
businesses operate. And it's not like the weight of spices have any
relation to their price... WTF should Penzeys charge more for shipping
a gram of saffron than a pound of mustard seed? duh Besides, of late
I've discovered that Walmart is selling very good spices in sealed
bulk sized jars for very reasonable prices... I buy all my black
peppercorns from Walmart now, costs half as much and I find absolutely
no difference from Penzeys. And the Walmart spice containers are
dated with best-by dates... Penzeys doesn't date their packaging,
could be many years old... without a dated/coded package they
themselves can't rotate their stock. The Super Walmart I go to at
least once as month has put in a very nice spice assortment in one of
the aisles, thay have Badia brand and Tones, plus several other
national brands. I will only buy from Penzeys what I can't buy
elsewhere, from greediness on shipping they killed their golden goose.