On 10/17/2012 12:37 PM, Gary wrote:
> Chemo wrote:
>> On Oct 17, 3:25 pm, Gary > wrote:
>>> "Paul M. Cook" wrote:
>>>> There are zero cans of condensed, "cream of" soups, and no canned peas
>>>> or canned chicken in this house.
>>> Right back at ya!@ I'm cooking a Hungry Man dinner right now and it WILL be
>>> good, imo.
>>> G. 
>> Now you got me thinking of getting something by Sara Lee!
> Haven't had one in years but their plain cheesecake is pretty darn good.
> G.
Sara Lee Coconut Layer cake is pretty darn tootin' good too. I'm not a
big fan of cake but I'd be dumb to turn down a slice. The amazing thing
is that you can have it anytime. All you have to do is pull it out of
the freezer and let it thaw. It sounds ridiculous but it's true.