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cshenk cshenk is offline
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Default Chicken noodle casserole recipe?

KenK wrote in

> A chicken noodle casserole recipe I DLed and tried was not very good.
> Could someone post a favorite please?

Hi Ken,

Julie posted one to not very resounding reviews but the main problem is
we can't tell if you are looking for a quick recipe (most chicken
cassaroles are designed to be a fast item to make) or upscale epicure.

To start, we bake a whole small chicken every 2 weeks or so. Since we
normally eat the legs, thighs and wings that night, we have often 2 lbs
or more of deboned meat left over. Where Julie used a can of chicken,
we'd use that from the freezer.

Next, cook up some pasta, we'd want a final amount of about 3 cups
(save the rest of the pasta for something else).

1 cup or so cooked cut up chicken parts

1/2 can cream of mushroom soup, 1/2 same can buttermilk (save the rest
of the soup for lunch tomorrow or something)

1 can drained vegall or equal volume chopped carrots, green beans,
peas, corn (I;m not apt to use the can but it works in a pinch)

I'd normally add in 1/2 cup mushrooms and about 3 TB chopped black

For spices I use black pepper and lots of it. 3 TS is normal here. 2-3
cloves crushed garlic is the finishing touch.

I like to top it with fresh onions left to carmelize in the oven as it
cooks but nothing wrong here with using the 'french fried onions' as a
topper bit.

Want to kick it another direction? 1 cup grated easy melt cheese like
Colby and 1/2 cup buttermilk and omit the can. In that case, minced
jalapenos also match well.

Feel free to use regular milk in place of the buttermilk if the flavor
of that doesnt appeal to you.
