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Malcom \Mal\ Reynolds Malcom \Mal\ Reynolds is offline
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Posts: 1,128
Default Chicken noodle casserole recipe?

In article >, "Julie Bove" >

> > School cafeteria food? That's what you want to feed your fat daughter for
> > dinner? Jesus you're a pig.

> You are very rude.

it's the only proper technique to deal with you and your constant whining

> She has lost over 30 pounds and I'll bet she's a lot
> more active than you are!

did she lose that weight while eating cafeteria food? or did she gain that
extra 60 pounds while eating cafeteria food?

The food that I fed her is in compliance with her
> diet. I'd much rather feed her food that she will eat than food that she
> won't.

which explains that extra 60 pounds

Then I will have to throw it out and she will still eat something
> else.

but you already throw out quite a bit of food...which could be ameliorated if
you were a better shopper

> If you are calling this casserole crap then I guess you are calling what most
> Americans routinely eat, crap. At least in parts of this country. This kind
> of stuff is very popular in the Midwest.

"most Americans" "at least in parts of this country". way to hedge your "facts"