Thread: Foods to Avoid?
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Jonathan Ball
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Default Foods to Avoid?

Robert wrote:

> Can someone please direct me to a website (or book) that lists foods to
> avoid?
> I'm a pescatarian struggling to become a vegetarian and would like to know
> what foods have hidden meat products in them. Like Gelatin or chips fried
> in animal fat vs vegetable oil. Which chain restaurants use animal fat
> instead of vegetable oil? Are there other "hidden" animal products used in
> foods that the average person might not suspect? I've heard some Pizza
> chains use beef products in their pizza sauce. I know Chi-Chi's Mexican
> Restaurante uses a beef base in their rice, but their web site doesn't
> mention anything about vegetarian safe foods.
> Thanks for any info you can offer.

Here's the most helpful thing I can offer: give it up.
Do not apply silly, ethics-free rules to your diet.
Do a little basic nutritional research on your own -
it's all out there; you don't need to be such a lazy
slug and ask others to do the heavy lifting for you -
and choose foods that provide solid nutrition.

You show symptoms of orthrexia, and you need to consult
a psychiatrist for it.

I'm always amazed at how passive "vegans" and
"vegan"-wannabes are. It's just inexcusable laziness.
Since they all started out on the same foot as you -
"Please HELLLLLLP meeeeeee!" - and since they haven't
gained any more sense of get-up-and-go initiative in
the interim, what make you think they know anything
useful at all?

In fact, there is nothing useful or morally respectable
about "veganism". It's a mushy, poorly developed
belief system that is devoid of ethics. It is entirely
about rules, rather than principle, but an effective
and honest ethics must be based on principles, and any
ethics rules must have a meaningful derivation from the
principles. "veganism" has no such linkage to principle.

"veganism" commits a massive and classic logical
fallacy at its very co Denying the Antecedent. It
goes like this:

If I consume animal parts, I cause the suffering
and death of animals.

I do not consume animal parts;

therefore, I do not cause the suffering and death
of animals.

This conclusion, of course, is patently false, as it
almost surely must be due to being arrived at
fallaciously. EATING the animal parts isn't what harms
them. In fact, even the most righteously vegetarian
diet causes massive harm to animals. Animals are
chopped up and shredded in the course of producing
vegetable crops - known as collateral animal deaths in
agriculture - and are even deliberately killed, both in
production and in storage; for example, rodents are
killed by the millions at grain storage facilities.

"veganism" is an irrational response to an imaginary
ethical problem. It is not unethical to kill animals.