Poll: Are Julie Boves posts pathetic???
Somebody > wrote:
> On Thu, 18 Oct 2012 19:14:37 -0700, Malcom "Mal" Reynolds wrote:
>> [ ] yes
>> [ ] no
> Don't be picking on my future wife just back off, ok???
Hey now, I didn't write that. And I just got rid of a girl friend, sort of.
At least, she got rid of whatever I wanted in the relationship. But I still
root around trying to get back in her good graces. She is just so critical
and finds some sort of weird problem with virtually everything I do. I guess
I thrived on that sort of negative attention though, other than the
criticisms about sex. I can do without that.
So....... hmmmm...... on the other hand, maybe I should hit on Julie. It
could work out if she's not allergic to my foot fungus and if she doesn't
mind bedbugs. I'll seriously consider it.