Chicken noodle casserole recipe?
On 10/18/2012 8:55 PM, cshenk wrote:
> I just bozo-bin filed one of them. I got tired of the huge number of
> messages with 200 lines and a one liner at the bottom.
> I don;t care if one top posts or bottom posts. I do not want my time
> wasted scrolling through 200 lines to get 'mee too' at the bottom.
> I bottom post normally (keeps the attributes easier for most of us) but
> I*trim what i am not replying to off*.
Same here. Not just annoying, but hard to find the line with the actual
reply. Sometimes I use the space key to get to the bottom of the post
and most of the time with the long ones with so much spacing, it just
space-keys on to the next post. No big loss.