Are Julie Boves posts pathetic???
In article >, "Julie Bove" >
> "Cheryl" > wrote in message
> ...
> > On 10/19/2012 5:43 PM, Gary wrote:
> >> I'm really starting to believe that Julie is probably some old naked bald
> >> guy trolling the hell out of this group, pretending to be Julie with
> >> family,
> >> and L(his)AO with all the responses. Seriously. All the constant
> >> responses/arguments from her is just a little hard to believe.
> >
> > Agree. Not convinced she's a man but her situation and past stories
> > change enough not to believe a word from her, not to mention they're just
> > outrageous enough to "feel" like they're made up. Explaining with great
> > detail what her family absolutely won't do and that she has to accommodate
> > everyone for such silliness is just not believable to me.
> Oh fer crying in the beer! My picture is on the damned Internet. I should
> hope I am not a guy, looking like I do. Or after having a baby. Although I
> know that one guy did have one. Or maybe two. I didn't keep up with that
> story.
but really, considering it's you telling us this, what proof do we have that
it's really you?