Thread: This just in
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Jessica V.
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Default This just in

jmcquown wrote:

> Cindy Fuller wrote:
>>In article >,
>> "jmcquown" > wrote:
>>>You try reading a strangers handwriting! Here's another one:
>>>Refrigerater Date Pinwheels

>>My grandmother had an index card box full of recipes. Problem was,
>>cards only had ingredients on them without instructions. (Grandma
>>was a
>>home ec teacher before she got married, so she probably had all of the
>>methods memorized.) She died when I was 5, so there was no way I
>>pick her brain for the methods. The cards undoubtedly got thrown away
>>when my grandfather died.

> Sad, isn't it? I don't know what happened to all my Grandma Mac's recipes.
> The few I do have are full of quaintly written measurements like "butter the
> size of a walnut". And, like the hand written recipes which fell out of
> this old book, often don't say exactly what you should do when. Like your
> grandmother, I'm sure she knew exactly what to do so she just didn't bother
> writing some things down.
> Jill

I saved Grandmother in-laws recipe file. She wasn't much of a cook
herself but some of the recipes she was given by friends are fab. I
askd MIL if she wanted the file...she didn't so home it went with me.

A favorite is Avacado Crab Dip

1 lg Avacado
1 T lemon juice
1 T grated onion (I mince it)
1 t Worcestershire
Mix above together until smooth
8 oz. cream cheese
1/4 c sour cream
1/4 t salt
Mix together until smooth combine with avacado mixture.
7 oz. crab meat
Stir into above. Chill

Then there are useful things like how to use a wooden butter mold.

And home remedies for swimmer's itch, poison ivy and assorted bug bites.

The ice box cake recipe cracks me up, she starts it off with use Large
Indian Tree pattern platter.

I have no idea what has become of my grandmother's recipes. Graddad may
still have the file but I somehow doubt it. Some unscrupulous cousins
and my uncles ex-wife did a darned good job of robbing him blind after
my grandmother passed away a decade ago. I'd be happy to just have
copies of her recipes.
