Poll: Are Julie Boves posts pathetic???
In article >,
Michel Boucher > wrote:
> "Malcom \"Mal\" Reynolds" > wrote
> in :
> >> We do have a fine tradition of socially unacceptable
> >> behaviour in this group, and this is a perfect example of
> >> unmitigated busybodyness.
> >
> > as is yours
> And your mother wears army shoes. Is that the best you can come up
> with? Pretty pathetic, but then again, given the failures of
> liberal education of late, I am not surprised...
thank you for proving my point...again
> >> If you have a complaint about a poster, use yer frikkin'
> >> killfile and don't bother us with your mewling inadequacies.
> >> If you don't know how to use a killfile, ask on the newbie
> >> help groups. If you don't use proper software, then get the
> >> right software.
> >
> > I'd advise you to follow your own advice
> I was hoping for a more self-enlightened response but that was my
> plan from the start.
> *plonk*