Chicken noodle casserole recipe?
On 10/21/2012 4:18 AM, Christine Dabney wrote:
> OB food: I have a longtime friend in town this weekend. He is the
> nephew of one of my best friends who also lives here in town. We are
> trying to get the "family" together for something, possibly a
> at my place. Since my energy and stamina are still pretty
> much on the low side, I am thinking of easy to fix dishes.
> Sounds like a lot more work than it is....but I am really taking it
> easy.
I know you will!
> Hang in there yourself.
I posted in tears a little bit ago on FB because I just had a pretty bad
fall. I don't know why I did that (FB), maybe because I hit my head
hard and I live alone and don't want to be that "i've fallen and can't
get up" lady. Some of my FB friends are neighbors. the thing I learned
from that is that no matter how I feel like I can walk ok, I still need
the cane for support. I'm sure you'll need support for a while, too.
Don't be strong about it. i won't now. freaking knee bled all over and
i sure freaked out my cats. With the neuropathy I can't really feel one
foot and it tends to drag. Well, that didn't work out so well but I
think Im ok. Head hurts so I'm not sleeping in case of concussion. My
mom is going to freak when she sees that on FB.