salad croutons, home-made vs store-bought ?
Kalmia wrote:
> On Saturday, October 20, 2012 12:11:24 AM UTC-4, Pico Rico wrote:
> >
> >
> > >
> > s.
> >
> >
> > cut bread in cubes, toss with olive oil, S&P, herbs if you wish, then oven
> >
> > roast.
> I do the same with a cubed slice or two of my ABM bread. Only I just pan toast em. I can't see lighting an oven for a few croutons.
> I would never think of buying them - just like bread crumbs. Can be made at home for a song. Gotta stretch that food buck.
And the ones that SW just sent a link for look like much better than you
could ever buy, imo. Never a recipe from him but I did save the process
info. I'll give it a try sometime and guess my own spices/herbs.