Are Julie Boves posts pathetic???
In article >, "Julie Bove" >
> "dsi1" > wrote in message
> ...
> > On 10/19/2012 12:42 PM, Sharon wrote:
> >> She may invite it, but you can always take the high road and not
> >> accept the invitation....The old saying "if you can't say something
> >> nice, don't say anything at all".....Sharon in Canada
> >
> > Oh boy it's cyber-bullying, just like the stories on CNN! :-)
> >
> > Bullies were brought up to interact that way with others. They're just
> > completing the circle and probably raising their kids to be just like
> > them. They are opportunistic bottom feeders and "she was asking for it" is
> > their mantra. That's the breaks.
> Bullies have low self esteem (and perhaps other problems). They think that
> by knocking others down a peg or three bolsters them up more.
> I know of one bully (who shall remain nameless) who told another person that
> he was going to teach her to be a bully because if she were a bully, she
> wouldn't need any friends.
> I also went to school with a bully and all of the other kids felt very sorry
> for him. He had probably the worst parents in the world and some of the
> things they did to him or didn't for him but giving him
> lunch...were horrible! We kind of sort all hated him on one level but on
> another level we really felt very sorry for him but helpless to do anything
> about it. The teachers seemed to sort of put up with a lot of his bad
> behavior and they would also expect us kids to share food with him so he
> wouldn't starve. Which we did. Yes, they did have free and reduced lunches
> in those days. The parents just wouldn't allow him food, probably as a form
> of punishment. He was constantly getting punished for something or other.
> I don't know what became of him. The family moved away suddenly when I was
> in the 7th grade.
more likely ran away to get away from you