smoking whole turkey
bbq wrote:
> On 10/22/2012 4:06 PM, Pico Rico wrote:
>> what internal temp do you shoot for? 165 sounds way too
>> high.
> 165 is probably OK. Even a little less is not going to
> hurt. Let it
> rest 15-20 minutes and the residual heat will get it
> perfect.
> Government suggestions recommend 170, but then the biggest
> complaint
> about turkey is it's too dry. If you take a turkey out at
> 160, let it
> rest 15-20 minutes(tented) it is difficult to determine
> if it
> reaches the official done temp, but you are assured of
> nice moist
> turkey.
> A carving technique I learned recently is cut the breast
> off in 1
> piece and make thicker slices across the breast. IOW, the
> breast will
> be on the cutting board like a log. Make slices across the
> width. The
> slices will be smaller circumference wise, but I think the
> thicker
> slices will be more moist also.
cooking/smoking them breast side down rather than the
traditional breast up helps keep it much moister.