Wisdom Teeth Removed Foods
On Oct 25, 9:29*am, sf > wrote:
> Marketing BS - necessary product? *Toothpaste is a relative newcomer
> in whole the scheme of things. *I don't give it much thought until I
> run out and then I think I need to buy more. *Why don't you use baking
> soda and hydrogen peroxide?
I have used baking soda. I don't go with the peroxide although I
have. I also use toothpaste. I'm not making a big deal of it, only
saying that lots of products are not necessary. Two that swiftly come
to mind are shampoo and toothpaste. But it would be hard to convince
those who grew up using such products. You really don't need
anything. Dry brushing is good. I don't do it, but there is such a
procedure and I tried it a few times and it works. I just don't go
for the taste. You rinse off a toothbrush and maybe your teeth, then
take the dried off brush and just slowly work it over your teeth until
they're clean. It works. So does washing your hair without soap or
shampoo. Lots of cosmetic products are totally unnecessary. I'm not
on a crusade against them, only saying they're not needed. But if
people want to believe they are needed, then who am I to try to change
their minds?