Wisdom Teeth Removed Foods
On Fri, 26 Oct 2012 23:13:02 -0700 (PDT), Tommy Joe
> wrote:
>On Oct 26, 3:40*pm, Brooklyn1 <Gravesend1> wrote:
>> Modern tooth pastes (ADA approved) contain an agent that dissolves
>> plaque and a bacteriostat. *The old fashioned methods are fine in a
>> pinch but it's not wise to rely on them. *And toothpaste is very
>> inexpensive... the store brands are exactly the same as the national
>> brands (WTF do you think makes them), only the packaging is different.
>> I haven't bought toothpaste in many years, I get free toothapaste from
>> my dental hygienist everytime she cleans my teeth.... she tosses a
>> handful of those small tubes in a bag along with brushes, floss, and
>> pick thingies, etc. and I can't use them up as fast as she supplies
>> them.
> I know you weren't talking to me but just for the record, I use
>toothpaste, I merely said it's not needed. Neither is baking soda or
>anything other than water and a good brushing. I read an article
>years ago about dry brushing. I tried it but you have to keep
>spitting, it seems. I think toothpaste is just to mask the taste and
>smell of one's own stale breath. I use it daily mixed with water to
>swish around in my mouth between the teeth as I do the dishes or some
>other chore. Then I brush them. So just for the record, when I say
>that certain products are not necessary, that does not mean I don't
>use them on occasion. I just know that a lot of what we buy is 100%
>unnecessary. If some new product came out tomorrow that was heads and
>heels above another, I doubt it would even need advertising. You
>think they'd have to advertise an anti-cancer vaccine? Hell, they'd
>be lined up around the block. There's a big difference between what's
>necessary and what is just a habit or a whim.
You must be very young and/or very stupid... they still advertise the
polio vacine because many people don't vaccinate their kids... you can
bet your bipee that were there a cancer vaccine many folks wouldn't
get it... people still don't get a flu vaccine.