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jmcquown[_2_] jmcquown[_2_] is offline
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Default Wisdom Teeth Removed Foods

"Brooklyn1" wrote in message

On Fri, 26 Oct 2012 23:13:02 -0700 (PDT), Tommy Joe
> wrote:

> I know you weren't talking to me but just for the record, I use
>toothpaste, I merely said it's not needed. Neither is baking soda or
>anything other than water and a good brushing. I read an article
>years ago about dry brushing. I tried it but you have to keep
>spitting, it seems. I think toothpaste is just to mask the taste and
>smell of one's own stale breath. I use it daily mixed with water to
>swish around in my mouth between the teeth as I do the dishes or some
>other chore. Then I brush them. So just for the record, when I say
>that certain products are not necessary, that does not mean I don't
>use them on occasion. I just know that a lot of what we buy is 100%
>unnecessary. If some new product came out tomorrow that was heads and
>heels above another, I doubt it would even need advertising. You
>think they'd have to advertise an anti-cancer vaccine? Hell, they'd
>be lined up around the block. There's a big difference between what's
>necessary and what is just a habit or a whim.

You must be very young and/or very stupid... they still advertise the
polio vacine because many people don't vaccinate their kids... you can
bet your bipee that were there a cancer vaccine many folks wouldn't
get it... people still don't get a flu vaccine.

The polio vaccine is still available because, as you say, many parents don't
vaccinate their kids. Polio had been practically eradicated in the US until
parents got complacent. Do schools still require vaccination records before
enrolling kids? They used to. Every time my dad was transferred we had to
provide shot records to the new school.

There are so many different types of cancer it is hard to believe any one
vaccine could be a cure for all types of cancer. So no, I probably wouldn't
get one.

I also don't get flu vaccinations. There are too many strains of the flu.
The CDC can't possibly know which one will break out each year. Also, they
say you may experience mild flu-like symptoms. The one time I got a flu
shot I got a full blown case of the flu. I was sick for a week. Other than
that unhappy result, I haven't had any strain of the flu in 20+ years.
