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merryb merryb is offline
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Default Wisdom Teeth Removed Foods

On Oct 26, 11:07*pm, Tommy Joe > wrote:
> On Oct 26, 11:21*am, "jmcquown" > wrote:
> *******************
> > Sure, a lot of people lived without these products, before modern
> > inventions. *I dislike having unwashed hair.

> * *Sorry for the snip but have to respond to your wording here. *I
> never mentioned "unwashed" hair, only "unshampooed" hair. *I wash my
> hair every day when I take a shower. *I just don't use anything on
> it. *No one needs to. *But like I said the first time, I'm not on some
> kind of crusade to wipe out cosmetic products, only saying that most
> are not needed even if the people who have been using them for years
> think they are. *Water and agitation are the cleaning agent, not the
> soap.
> TJ

I have to disagree with you on the shampoo- if you use any gel,
mousse, or hairspray, it will build up. Most men don't, so you may be
able to get away with your method. The less you wash, the better- oil
is a defense, so when it's stripped away, your body says to produce
more. I have long hair, and can get away with 2-3 days between
shampoos. Heck, when I was a hairdresser, the old gals would come in
for their weekly "shampoo/set"!