Info for AIOE news server users....
On Mon, 29 Oct 2012 07:16:32 -0500, Gary > wrote:
> Wow. I just figured out why I couldn't post using AIOE news server yesterday
> and today. This past Saturday was the old time of time change. I kept
> posting and kept getting "time in header over one hour old" refusal
> messages.
> So I just set my computer clock back one hour and now I can post.
> Until next Sat/Sun when the official time change occurs, my posting time
> will show one hour early. No big deal but I'm glad that I finally figured
> out the problem. If any of you others can't post, just change your time
> back an hour.
My news reader allows me to work "off line" and send later, which is
what I do when I don't have wifi access. So, I suppose AIOE wouldn't
let me send anything I'd already composed if I used it while on a car
I take life with a grain of salt, a slice of lemon and a shot of tequila