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zxcvbob zxcvbob is offline
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Default Pumpkin Pie - Using Fresh Pumpkin Vs. Canned?

Gary wrote:
> Dave Smith wrote:
>> I love good pies and am reluctant to any type of canned or prepared
>> filling.....except pumpkin. It's just processed squash and once you add
>> the milk, eggs, sugar and spices any difference is insignificant. IMO.

> I agree with you, Dave. I made it from scratch twice. Once from cutting
> and boiling the fresh pumpkin, then once from baking and cutting. It was a
> lot of work and the canned plain pumpkin tastes just as good without all the
> extra work.
> For the past several years, I've skipped pumpkin pies and have made sweet
> potato pies. I can use fresh produce and the final pie tastes just as good
> (and about the same) as a pumpkin pie.
> Gary

Do you bake or boil the sweet potatoes? I've had SP pie before and it's
OK but usually tastes a little "off" -- too starchy maybe (like boiled
sweet potatoes.)

I've never tried making it, but wonder if I could just substitute baked
and mashed SP's in my favorite pumpkin pie recipe?

Carrots also ought to work well in a mock-pumpkin pie, and would be a
lot easier than messing with fresh pumpkin
