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Doug Freyburger Doug Freyburger is offline
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Posts: 3,415
Default Info for AIOE news server users....

Gary wrote:
> Wow. I just figured out why I couldn't post using AIOE news server yesterday
> and today. This past Saturday was the old time of time change. I kept
> posting and kept getting "time in header over one hour old" refusal
> messages.
> So I just set my computer clock back one hour and now I can post.
> Until next Sat/Sun when the official time change occurs, my posting time
> will show one hour early. No big deal but I'm glad that I finally figured
> out the problem. If any of you others can't post, just change your time
> back an hour.

You run old an Windows version, right? Checking if you have run Windows
Update by hand and loaded not just all of the critical updates but also
all of the optional ones. One of the optional ones should include up to
date time zone files.

That and/or you can set the time by hand to the correct time.