Guilty pleasures
Andy > wrote:
> A Philly cheesessteak with Dijon mustard, at home, with the
> shades drawn!!! <VBG>
> Visiting Pop in his failing years, I put two dinner dogs on a
> paper plate and put it in the microwave. He stopped me and
> asked what are you doing? I said cookiing hot dogs. He asked
> how? I said it takes one minute each, so stand here, now press
> the timer buton then press 200 for two minutes so it reads
> 2:00 then justt press OK, then come back when it buzzes in two
> minutes and they'll be done.
I would usually push 120 for two minutes.
Just fried hot dog nickels for breakfast with eggs this morning.
sometimes I drop the eggs on top of the slices and scramble.