sport drink
On Sun, 04 Nov 2012 08:23:43 -0500, Gary > wrote:
> sf wrote:
> >
> > I hate Gatorade and don't drink any of that other cr*p either. Smart
> > Water? How smart is it to waste your cash on that stuff?
> Bottled water is a joke and so is Gatorade (watered down coolaid with
> potassium). Better to drink real water and eat a banana.
Agreed about sports drinks, but I can understand plain bottled water.
If you've traveled at all, you'd know that plain bottled water tastes
like the local water does. So when you're visiting an area where you
hate the taste of their water, you're out of luck if you buy bottled
locally. To have water I don't mind drinking, I bring a case of
locally bottled water with me on car trips.
Food is an important part of a balanced diet.