George Foreman grills
On 11/7/2012 4:02 PM, dsi1 wrote:
> On Nov 7, 10:49 am, wrote:
>> I was going to buy a panini maker a while back, never did, and someone mentioned
>> that a George Foreman grill would be just as good for the task and also useful
>> for other things. With the cold weather here, I've been cooking steaks inside
>> in a grill pan and they don't come out too bad at all. How good a job does the
>> GF grill do on steaks, being as they cook on both sides at once? And will it
>> work well as a panini maker? I've already looked at them on line and see many
>> models. What would be the best one for what I want to use it for, and given I
>> have no dishwahser so I'll be cleaning it by hand. Removable plates? Any info is
>> appreciated. Thanks.
> My recommendation is that you get a grill that's hinged in the middle
> of the plate. The ones with the hinge on the end do not open wide
> enough.
> I love my contact grill. I'm able to fry a steak that's frozen solid
> because it grills from both sides. Simply amazing!
> The plates on my grill do not remove. I prefer that because I believe
> that it heats up faster and hotter than removable plates. This may or
> may not be important to you but it is to me. I like hot!
I've had one for several years and, even tho' you can't put it in the
dishwasher, it cleans very easily over the sink.
Jim Silverton (Potomac, MD)
Extraneous "not" in Reply To.