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Default McDonald's hit with fat lawsuit

I think that by saying that a person can't help themselves and become obese
by eating lots of McDonalds and that it's somehow McDonalds fault is
rediculous. McDonalds never in any way advertised that their food was
particularly healthy merely that it tastes good. And if these people can't
make good decisions about what they eat then it's their own fault. Grocery
stores sell all kind of junk, should they too be sued for selling to to
people? What's the difference? The products are advertised all the same.

I refuse to believe that people are mindless sheep that simply eat whatever
is placed in front of them, and if they are then they have a problem.

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"becky" > wrote in message
> (T) wrote in message

> > Ridiculous,isn't anyone today responsible for their own actions? No
> > one held a gun at anyone's head to force them to eat there.We visit a
> > fast food joint once every five years.I know,i know,that's far too
> > often.

> Honestly I do not think McDonald's is bad, if you eat the appropriate
> sized portions and exercise on a regular basis you can eat whatever
> you want. It is really silly how much people want to "blame"
> corporations and do not want to take personal accountability for their
> own actions.