Thread: Pecan Pie notes
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Charlotte L. Blackmer[_3_] Charlotte L. Blackmer[_3_] is offline
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Posts: 142
Default Pecan Pie notes

In article >, Cheri > wrote:
>"Charlotte L. Blackmer" > wrote in message
>> In article >, Gary > wrote:
>>>Janet Bostwick wrote:
>>>> People say that they are just the right size
>>>> and sweetness after a heavy meal.
>>>And this is exactly why many americans are overweight fat-asses. A
>>>dessert "after a heavy meal."
>>>I never eat dessert after a meal. If the meal is right, no need for more.

>> Oh, aren't you special. Bless your heart.


As a meta-note, I really don't "get" people who come onto clearly labeled
threads for things they don't like or can't eat to announce "I
don't like that" or "I can't eat that", or, even worse, act all superior
for not doing so.

My mom worked hard on training that behavior out of me at a young age.
I got positive reinforcement and quite a bit of slack for NOT
doing that at the family holiday table. (*)

Go to the next thread, people! There are, at any time, any number of
threads on RFC you can make a positive contribution to. It's not all
about you.

Or, as we say in California (and it can definitely be the equivalent of
"Bless your heart"), "Thank you for sharing".

* My cousins, who were otherwise good kids, loudly announced their likes
and dislikes at the table and it drove our grandfather bugs. I am
pleased to report that they've all grown out of it and are charming dinner
