That *^&%$&** white cook top
"Sqwertz" > wrote in message
> On Sun, 11 Nov 2012 08:01:46 -0800, Dimitri wrote:
>> From the FWIW department.
>> Cleaning that damn white cook top was almost an impossibility until I
>> discovered an old saved (no idea why) Crest Battery operated Toothbrush
>> and
>> a little comet cleanser.
>> Now all the overlapping metal crevices are sans crud.
> I still haven't found a use for my Magic Erasers. I'm not sure you
> can use them on most cooktops. Or metal, or anything else that seems
> practical.
> But I did run out and buy them last time they mentioned. What - 18
> months ago?
I use them on my white GE gas cooktop. They work well on the grids too.