That *^&%$&** white cook top
Nancy Young wrote:
> On 11/11/2012 11:01 AM, Dimitri wrote:
>> From the FWIW department.
>> Cleaning that damn white cook top was almost an impossibility until I
>> discovered an old saved (no idea why) Crest Battery operated Toothbrush
>> and a little comet cleanser.
> I thought I was the only person who tried using a battery
> operated toothbrush to clean something! (laugh) Besides
> teeth, of course.
>> Now all the overlapping metal crevices are sans crud.
> Nice. I hate when you clean something and it still looks grimy.
> nancy
That's the ONE thing I really don't like about my induction
cooktop. You just can't get it so it looks totally unsmeary.
That is only when I am cleaning it, mind you, but it still bugs me.